Seems like the next version of Windows named "LONGHORN" will have amazing search capabilities almost like Google and there will no longer be a "desktop" to use.
{ Paul Thurrott } explains that Longhorn will sport a "task based...interface" which will replace the "dated desktop metaphor." No more of Linus Torvald's cries { "To the dekstop!" }
However, { Paul Andrews } suspects that the kind of search functionality that Microsoft is cooking up could make Microsoft and Google clash heads, but I liked his notion about building Google into the PC to perform searches. Might be interesting to see what happens.
Here's an excerpt from the Editor's Choice Smithsonian that I found humorous:
"...Years ago I learned never to put athletic socks in with dressy socks. The outcome is always ugly.
Athletic socks are bullies, always throwing their weight around. Put with gentle-tempered dress socks, athletic socks can clear out the drawer in a week's time and leave you with perhaps a single blue and black nylon sock.
The rest of the dress socks just disappear, only to be discovered later, hidden under the handkerchiefs, slumped under an ottoman, wedged in an old coat pocket or caught smuggling themselves out of the house in my gym bag.
Meanwhile, back in the sock drawer the victorious athletic socks begin bickering among themselves, splitting up, going their own way...
The sock drawer is a rough neighborhood, a place where survival is always on the line.
What baffles me is that socks seem to have it in for men only. [Women] never complain about a missing vagrant sock.
[Their] sock drawer is impeccable, everything neat and tidy, row after row of happily matched socks all rolled up in cute little bundles. Not a misfit among them.
Of course women suffer more than men do from another mysterious effect...But that's another story."
Harry Middleton "Those strange goings and comings in the sock drawer at night." (Editor's Choice Smithsonian 1990)
1. Another note to my newbie (like me)blog friends: If you haven't already, and you want to put your blog on the globe, then Globe of Blogs » is the place to do it
2. Written in PHP to create weblogs,
Pivot » is a free tool which you can check out if you're up to it.
3. According to Ageless » "We're sending the message that the personal, creative side of the web is diverse and ageless and if each of you personal website builders out there will openly share your date of birth with us, we'll be on our way to proving it!" Submit your site if you dare. You can also send your friends a waycool postcard by going Here »
4. Want more global exposure? The Pepy's Project »will make sure you get it. Go there and submit your site.
5. Blogging meets the personals? Well how about that! If you're interested in another weblog community and also want to meet the person of your dreams, check out
Xanga », serving up the best of both worlds, I think.
While you're at it, beware the trackers. Have a look see at { Ghosts of Zanadu } at { Disenchanted } to get an idea of how your surfing habits and lifestyle can be tracked on the Web.
Well that's all for now, happy Blogventures!
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Last modified: 9/13/09, 1:17 AM