Posted by memo at 1:17 AM
♥ Welcome ♥
Posted by memo at 10:58 AM
I started this blog in 2002 when blogging was becoming the new phenomenon. It was a great experience, many lessons learned about internet etiquette and social networking was becoming the norm. Courage was something one needed to have in order to put themselves "out there"-so to speak. I have decided to revisit some of my previous posts and will add them to my new blog, {Pieces of Me}. You can friend me on {Facebook}, follow me on {Twitter} or visit my page on {Youtube}. My Myspace is located {here} Warm Regards, Carla Scarlett|Aeonsage|Memo ♥
Breaking the silence.
FADE IN...The past few weeks had been very hectic and left me sufficiently breathless || XpreSsionless. I had crawled into my corpse. Tired and weary from some of the "stuff" which comprise life, I could not find it in me before now to write. The words would not come; that is not to say the words were not there. They were there, but in a specifically scatalogical way and I had not the urge nor inclination to sit down to formulate them into something coherent. So, I had given myself wholly over to the situation which on some reflection, seemed to suggest the concept and essence of the title of this weblog. However, I had hopes that the muse would soon appear.
So now, here I am, resisting the urge to type a bunch of fonts into words to prove to myself that I am indeed writing an entry into this weblog again. I pause between keystrokes to ask myself the point of it all. I have no straight answers so for now it's just baby steps again for me. Perhaps I'll continue posting entries here...FADE OUT.